Business Locations & Mobility
Area of expertise: Transport Logistics Mobility
Designing sustainable business locations and sustainable mobility
The selection of a sustainable business location is essential for the economic success of companies. Besides, there are also social and environmental aspects existing, which have to be considered within the selection process. Another important aspect is the access to sustainable modes of transport in the area of freight mobility as well as personal mobility. The research in the field of Business Location and Mobility supports the design of sustainable business locations.

Selection of business locations
The right location can be the advantage that puts your business on the lead. The business site has become an entrepreneurial resource of success. Site planning and location analysis both play a strategically important role in the management of a company and should build the basis of knowledge for the actual location decision.
Through the development and deployment of innovative and novel approaches, the processes of site planning and location analysis are getting more transparent. In this case, aspects of sustainability play a major role and will help to define the economical, ecological and social requirements and challenges for the future location. The planning of logistics locations poses another important field of application, where major challenges are being expected due to technical trends and developments.
Sustainable mobility
Sustainable freight mobility and last-mile logistics are essential for reaching the goals of climate change. The Upper Austria Mobility Laboratory (MobiLab OÖ) supports relevant mobility innovations in development, testing and implementation. The cooperation of companies for supporting sustainable mobility of their employees is another essential point of the research field.