Sustainable Transport
Area of expertise: Transport Logistics Mobility
ongoing The Erasmus+ project ANGIE aims to establish an academic network to raise awareness about climate change, shift perspectives, and provide solutions for the transition to environmentally friendly processes with a low carbon footprint. ongoing Currently, there is no formal structure and or culture in the inland waterway transport (IWT) sector for upskilling. 1System4IWT aims to build a learning system that will act as a solution for ensuring and enduring continuity of education & training for IWT students and workers and generate a „personalized learning experience”. The project will focus on developing commons resources, that meet the needs of nowadays trends and challenges for (incoming) staff (boatmen) in the IWT sector. ongoing The project LOGMASTER aims to develop of a joint master programme study framework in Supply Chain Management and Logistics Level 7 to address the requirements in terms of competencies elaborated by European Logistics Association (ELA) in the European Logistics Association Qualification Standards (ELAQF). To learn more about the LOGMASTER project, its objectives, and progress, visit the official website: . ongoing MultiRELOAD focusses on the specific role and challenges of inland ports & hubs as multimodal freight nodes in contributing to reaching Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of at least 55 % by 2030, thereby shifting a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road in the EU to inland waterways and to rail, and by increasing operational efficiency, safety and reliability of existing infrastructures (through digitalization) - thereby significantly reducing GHG emissions. finished RETrans (Research and Education on Transport Logistics) is a project sponsored by the bmvit (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) and the SCHIG (Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH) with the objective to create a competence center for traffic logistics in cooperation with stakeholders from economy, research and the public sector. ongoing REWWay is the result of a cooperation between Logistikum Steyr and viadonau (The company viadonau is responsible for the Austrian Part of the Danube). The aim of the project is to promote the topic of inland waterway logistics in national and international research and educational facilities. In fact, the focus is to train logisticians with knowledge on eco-friendly inland navigation and its connection to other modes of transport. finished DANTE aims at identifying and eliminating the administrative barriers for inland waterway transport (IWT) on the Danube & its navigable tributaries as a joint initiative of the private sector and the national public authorities responsible for these barriers. The project partners will develop good practices and guidelines for effective administration of IWT activities in relation to the identified barriers. finished Today there is still a lack of transparency and knowledge on how to integrate green Danube Navigation into sustainable transport solutions. Increased institutional and organisational capacity will help equip public service providers with a critical mass of information and support to understand (=mind shift) and use (=modal shift) Danube transport. Besides, there is a shortage of qualified personnel on-board inland vessels and fragmented legal framework governing skills and qualifications in the Danube inland transport sector and hindering recognition of qualifications and mobility of work force. Besides, there is a shortage of qualified personnel on-board inland vessels and fragmented legal framework governing skills and qualifications in the Danube inland transport sector and hindering recognition of qualifications and mobility of work force. finished DAPhNE aims to facilitate a balanced development of Danube Ports as eco-friendly, well accessible multimodal hubs for the transport system of the region and to turn Danube Ports into buzzing economic centres functioning as catalysts for economic growth and creation of high value jobs. The project will contribute to stepwise close the existing gaps between the 70 Danube ports located along the Danube River that deal with various challenges in the field of port administration and port development. finished The project deals with the implementation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel and transport good for shipping and develops a finished LOGIN – The project LOGIN aims to introduce new EQF 4 level qualification dedicated to the Operators who develop logistics related to manufacturing (Logistics Technologist - LOT) and the related finished "Synchromodality" is a new transport concept that promotes the resource-saving and optimized use of all modes of transport. By an optimal use of the existing transport capacities, a modal shift towards sustainable modes of transport (rail, inland and waterway) can be achieved. Within the research area "Sustainable Transport Systems" the requirements for synchromodality in Austria will be analyzed. finished PROMINENT effectively promotes innovation in IWT by further developing the most promising greening technologies and concepts towards standardization and modularization as well as developing measures to overcome barriers to innovation and greening in the inland navigation sector. The research results and findings will be translated into a roll-out plan, which paves the way for full-scale implementation until 2020. finished SynChain aimed at analyzing synchromodality in detail such that a profound understanding of the underlying key enablers can be gained. In addition, awareness training for stakeholders in the transport sector has been started. Based on the obtained insights technical, organisational and systemic basic conditions for a successful application of synchromodality will be defined, which shall be implemented in follow-up projects.
1S4IWT – 1 System 4 IWT Learning: Upskilling Pathways
MultiRELOAD: Port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodal-ity
RETrans - Research and Education on Transport Logistics
REWWay – Research and Education in Inland Waterway Logistics
DANTE - Improving Administrative Procedures and Processes for Danube IWT
Danube SKILLS - Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint trans-national competences and skills in education and public development services
DAPhNE – Danube Ports Network
LNG Masterplan Rhine-Main-Danube
master plan for the necessary steps for its implementation. The project consists of a series of feasibility studies, technical concepts,
training courses and pilot applications for ships and terminal infrastructure. It is an international project involving 33 companies
and institutions from 12 EU Member States.
training and examination systems.
Sustainable Transport Systems
PROMINENT - Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterway Transport Sector
SynChain – synchromodal transport chains