Research Projects
BioBoost – Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production
BioBoost is aimed at converting residual biomass into energy carriers for the production of synthetic
transportation fuels and chemicals as well as for the generation of electricity and heat. The logistics of
these raw materials, fuels and chemicals is a crucial part for the success of the project. Logistikum
made a considerable contribution to this project, which was coordinated by Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT).
E-commerce solutions for Asia and Europe
The purpose of this project was to analyze the Asian and European E-commerce market. Based on this analysis different implementation approaches were suggested to meet the market needs. Based on identified players involved and their needs the estimated market volumes of B2C E-Commerce between Asia and Europe were calculated culminating in new business models.
Research field Supply Chain Healthcare
How to create and maintain efficient and sustainable healthcare networks?
1) Understand stakeholders, 2) understand best-practices in healthcare supply chains in different countries, 3) develop a simulation model of healthcare networks and 4) run scenarios based on best-practices and stakeholder interests.
Service Design & Engineering as a competitive advantage in logistics & SCM
Offering customized solutions by combining goods and services (à product-service offerings) creates value, guarantees customer-oriented demand fulfillment and secures the competitive position of future-oriented companies. Providing bundle of industrial products and services (i.e. hybrid value creation) for distinctive problem solutions acts on two different levels: it equips companies with critical success factors in terms of future customer focus; and it allows better development of sales and employment figures with higher profit potential.
The COMPETING project aims to increase labor mobility in the inland shipping sector. The project will lay the founda-tions for the introduction of a competency based future proof of education and training for inland navigation crewmem-bers throughout the European Union.
Austrian Logistics Indicator - ALI 2017
The "Austrian Logistics Indicator", like the umbrella brand "Austrian Logistics", was founded as part of the logistics initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology. Its purpose is to show the logistical performance of Austria's regions. The first survey in 2017 analyzes the status quo of the logistics landscape and enables the regions to identify their potential and derive measures for improvement.
Austrian Logistics Indicator - ALI 2020
The "Austrian Logistics Indicator" was developed and surveyed for the first time in 2017. The new survey in 2020 makes it possible to determine the development of the 35 Austrian regions over time for the first time. Homepage:
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, LOGISTIKUM Steyr is developing a system of indicators that will in future provide a representative and objective basis for regions in Austria to derive recommendations for action with regard to regional logistics and allow comprehensible assessments of the effectiveness of measures taken.
DOMINO - Hub for intermodal mobility services and technologies
The research project DOMINO - Hub for Intermodal Mobility Services and Technologies represents a flagship project on mobility of
the future with the focus on integrated personal mobility. The main goal of the project is the development of a continuous,
publicly accessible mobility offer that can be used by the users as barrier-free as possible and supports the mobility and climate
goals of the public sector.
ESTRAL (Ecological and Safe TRAffic systems by digitizing Law) aims to advance the digitization of traffic-related regulations. The planned results are intended to contribute to the advancement of digital regulations in the transportation sector. Concrete use cases are used to identify challenges, to establish a connection between regulations and practical implementation.
In DeNaLog, employees of logistics service providers will be taught research-oriented knowledge and case studies (best practice) in the areas of sustainable transport chains and networks, "last mile", intermodal hubs, green and smart logistics, safety and security, information and communication technologies, drive technologies and vehicle systems during 22 training days.
Mobility Lab Upper Austria – MobiLab 2.0
MobiLab Upper Austria is one of a total of six funded mobility laboratories in Austria, whose goal is to address central mobility issues and local and regional challenges. By acting as a hot spot for future-relevant mobility innovations, the follow-up project Mobilab2.0 supports cities, municipalities, regions, companies and start-ups in the development, testing and implementation of new mobility solutions. The thematic fields of MobiLab2.0 are oriented towards economically induced traffic - especially freight traffic, commuter mobility and service traffic.
NaLaBISta – Sustainability map for business- and industrial sites
The idea of NaLaBISta is to generate basics for developing an evaluation- and planning system with the aim, to analyse business- and industrial areas with respect to sustainable aspects. A traffic optimized business- and industrial area should be the result of joining economic strategies, key objectives in spatial development and traffic planning. This approach should ensure efficient and sustainable freight mobility.
PlanBiSS - Planing bike sharing systems considering the demand, distribution and maintenance works
The project PlanBiSS involves the development of methods and strategies to facilitate an anticipatory planning of a bikesharing
system. For this purpose, an integrated approach will be used which encompasses an estimation of potential demand,
the scheduling of locations and bicycle distribution including maintenance works. Changes in the planning region
will be constantly regarded. The specific requirements of public institutions as well as of private companies will be taken
into account.
Road wear stands as a pervasive challenge and a significant financial burden in infrastructure upkeep.
Detecting and mapping road wear early and in detail can alleviate these costs and simultaneously extend the lifespan of road surfaces.
C-ITS Impact Assesment (CIIA2023)
Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) as a term for systems for exchanging information between vehicles and the road infrastructure is being rolled out in Austria by ASFINAG. The question posed by the gradual use of the technology and answered in the project is: What impact do C-ITS services have on our transport system?
The European Commission, through the H2020 framework program, has awarded a funding grant of nearly €20 million for a 29-partner strong consortium to develop and demonstrate driverless heavy-duty vehicles in harsh weather conditions for real-logistics operations. With EasyMile as coordinator and software provider, the large- scale All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations (AWARD) project aims to bring disruptive change to the trucking industry, fleet operators, and the whole logistics sector.
ACTIMOMO - Active Mobility Monitoring
ACTIMOMO aims to fill data gaps in the field of walking and cycling in Austria. Currently, there is a lack of detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date information on transport demand in the area of active mobility. Infrequent and selective mobility surveys (e.g. every 10 years) make it difficult to plan, implement and evaluate measures to promote walking and cycling. ACTIMOMO addresses this problem by developing a modular monitoring system based on innovative data collection methods.
Esrium - Safe an efficient roads
The European project “ESRIUM” to use and maintain EGNSS-enabled smart road infrastructure launched remotely. The consortium that makes up the “EGNSS-enabled Smart Road Infrastructure Usage and Maintenance for increased energy efficiency and safety on European road networks” (ESRIUM) project came together online to kick-start the project on 12th December 2020. ESRIUM is found under the programme Horizon 2020 to foster greener and smarter road usage, road maintenance, and increase road safety.
EVIS Realtime Traffic Information Austria
Realtime Traffic Information is a crucial factor for high quality logistics services – and ultimately also for the location quality of Austria. Road operators throughout Austria have implemented traffic information services. What is still lacking today are nationwide levels of service, travel times and event messages for the Austrian road network made available in a unified quality and in common standards.
ITS Upper Austria 2
Up-to-date traffic information for citizens and logistics companies plays an important role in the Upper Austrian region, both from a traffic planning and a strategic point of view. In order to be able to implement traffic management initiatives and modern mobility concepts, the generation of a real-time traffic situation and traffic forecasts is inevitable.
SUBSTANTIATE: Simulation-based impact assessment of cooperative intelligent transport systems based on large-scale traffic networks
The dissertation project SUBSTANTIATE deals with simulation-based impact assessment studies regarding safety,
efficiency, and sustainability in the traffic sector. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge about the effects of
C-ITS services on relevant impact dimensions in large scale traffic networks under consideration of location related impact variations.The results will be used to support the service- and location-related selection and implementation of C-ITS for traffic management
DIGEST – (DE acronym for
The introduction of Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM) ensures a significant increase of safety, efficiency and effectiveness in road traffic.
However, a safe and efficient CCAM implementation induces new challenges for road operators and automakers.
COPE - Collective Perception
Logistikum at University of Applied Sciences Steyr is coordinating an important next step for automated and cross-linked driving in urban environment.
The project team focuses on the following overarching research question: How can safety in intersection situations be increased for all road users through cooperation and communication (C-ITS)?
ATROPINE – Fast Track to the Physical Internet
The Physical Internet facilitates the transport of the future. Material will flow analogous to data in the digital internet. This open logistics system is based on physical, digital and operative connectivity. Participants follow standardized protocols and use specific interfaces and modules. In ATROPINE Upper Austrian researchers and industry partners join forces to design a Physical Internet model region.
DigiTrans – Freight transport in Upper Austria ‘automated – connected – mobile’
The DigiTrans project aims to probe a test region for automated and connected driving related to freight transport in the central area of Upper Austria. The test region shall build upon the requirements derived from regional industry and from regional infrastructure operators. Based on elicited requirements and demands the test region’s capabilities and a sustainable operator model are developed.
iSTRADA – Intelligent System for Traffic and Road-infrastructure Related Data
The aim of the study “iSTRADA” is to develop a specific methodology with advantages for relevant stakeholders when different road-traffic and road-infrastructure databases are combined. The different databases are automatically pooled, completed and updated in order to evolve an innovative and online-usable Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)-service for transport management and logistics applications. The study should deliver the basis for a follow-up research project.
LiSeGMo - Linking Services for Mobility of Goods
Linking Services in the field af transport of goods could connecting data of several information systems to further can offer new information and booking services for door-to-door transport services operated by different service providers possibly using different modes of transport. The study LiSeGMo is dealing with questions of data accessibility, way to open barriers and the assessment of the
Smart Hyperconnected Logistics Systems
Smart Hyperconnected Logistics Systems investigates human-logistics-technology systems and aims at the development of methods and tools for designing such systems. The focus is on the integrative consideration of Digital Supply Chains, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Automated Driving.
SmartFleet LivingLab
As the volume of traffic is increasing steadily, road operators have to face ever new challenges, due to the fact that there is neither more space nor budget for traffic infrastructure measures. Within the framework of the project ‘SmartFleet LivingLab’ a fleet of intelligently networked vehicles should be established, which should deliver vehicle real-time data in order to give information concerning the current traffic situation. On this basis, in a further step, newly developed traffic management measures respectively systems should provide the possibility for fleet operators as well as all for other affected stakeholders to benefit from less traffic jam situations.
What is the impact of truck platooning on pavement condition and the counter-effects of variations in track off-sets with following trucks on platooning’s positive slipstream effect? This research question has been answered in SPURVARIATION.
TRIUMPH II – Trimodal Transshipment Point Hinterland Harbor II
The aim of the project TRIUMPH is to develop a concept of an intelligent multimodal communication hub which is capable of connecting all involved parties in the multimodal transport chain by using new standards of electronic data interchange (EDI-standards) and realtime traffic data (ITS). Due to the reduction of complexity by standardization and the elimination of inefficiencies a higher information value is achieved which builds the basis for further transshipment and storage process optimization.
Project “Development of a competence network for the analysis and visualization of logistic value-added networks” (LogNetz)
Logistics value-added networks are complex structures consisting of independent corporate partners, the relationships between these partners and a large number of stakeholders. In order to oversee or optimize these networks in the context of global competition, state-of-the-art methods of data acquisition, visualization and analysis are required. This represents a major challenge for many SMEs. The aim of the project is to establish a competence network on this topic.
Customer oriented Complexity (CoCo)
Globalization and the resulting omnipresent competition are forcing companies into merciless competition. One way to gain a competitive advantage is to offer a very broad product portfolio and adapt it to customer requirements. This can lead to a variant explosion and enormous complexity within the supply chain.
SYRI - Systemic Risk Management and Resilience Planning for Austrian Food Supply Security
The aim of SYRI is the first systemic risk assessment in real-time in food value-added networks that are critical for the supply of the population. These networks consist of thousands of actors and are digitally mapped from the origin of the food, via the processors and logistics, to the end consumers in retail, catering, and the hotel industry, and are assessed in real time concerning systemic supply risks.
FInca – Forecasting Indicators
The prediction of company relevant key indicators is an important as well as difficult task for planners. The large number of potential influencing factors, its change over time and especially the increasing international dependencies between companies makes the preparation of valid forecasts difficult. Concerning possible future trends and the identification of relevant indicators regarding these trends is the core element of FInca.
Supply Chain Planning (SCP)
The task of the research field Supply Chain Planning (SCP) is to handle on the one hand uncertainties in the planning processes such as process uncertainties (e.g. delivery times, production lead times) and customer uncertainties (e.g. product, amount, customer required lead time). On the other hand SCP supports to increase the performance of the supply chain.
SOPHIE – resilience of supply chains to cascading effects from digital space.
The SOPHIE project aims to enhance the resilience of supply chain ICT infrastructures by increasing awareness of cybersecurity issues as well as reducing the frequency and severity of successful cyber-attacks. The reliability of these infrastructures increases the reliability of planning for production and supply chains, benefiting both customers and suppliers.
CySeReS-SME - Cyber Security and Resilience in Supply Chains with a focus on SMEs
The aim of the CySeReS SME research project is to support small and medium-sized enterprises in IT security, cyber security and resilience with a focus on the supply chain. The needs of the participating SMEs will be surveyed and analysed, on the basis of which a best practice guide and a maturity model will be developed. In the future, this will also be able to support SMEs outside the project.
DataSChare – Data Spaces in Supply Chains – Industry Requirements
The DataSChare project aims to identify and concretise industrial supply chain data spaces to increase knowledge about data spaces in the supply chain. This will be achieved through a multi-level methodological approach based on qualitative (workshops, interviews, stakeholder analysis) as well as quantitative (online surveys) methods.
LogResDat - Logistics and Resilience - Datacircles
Closely coordinated and optimised processes make the transport and logistics sector highly susceptible to disruptions of any kind, whether short-term or long-term. Data in particular can help companies to react to these and thus be considered resilient. A solution for this is offered by a concept developed in the project of a "logistics and resilience data circle" for external data exchange.
ReaGtSion – Resilience assessment of goods and services of Austrian key industries
Early detection of supply disruptions and bottlenecks is essential to ensure that economic supply networks are resilient. In addition to the critical infrastructure, other key companies are equally important to maintain the supply. The project aims is to identify these and derive recommendations for action so that resilience can be ensured in future crises.
Secure Supply Chains for Critical Systems
The aim of the SSCCS project is to ensure the resilience of supply chains to cyber attacks. This is done in a structured, interdisciplinary approach based on real use cases and takes into account both highly integrated SCs and such low organizational levels.
SYRI – Systemic Risk-Management and Resilience-Planning for Austrian Food Supply Security
In SYRI we develop a data-driven simulation methodology to locally quantify actual food supply losses for the population that result from the cascading of supply disruptions. The methodology is immediately policy relevant as a fact-driven and generalizable crisis management tool.
Josef-Ressel-Center for Real-time Value Network Visibility (JRC LIVE)
Complex and global value networks consist of multiple actors, between which processes take place and a large amount of information is exchanged. The goal of the project is to develop a supply chain control tower solution that allows to consolidate, analyze and visualize the most important data in an information cockpit to enable companies in their daily operations to gain control over their value network.
Systemic Risk Analysis for Food Supply Security in Austria (SYRI)
The pandemic situation poses a multitude of challenges for decision makers in Austrian politics as well as for actors in the logistics sector. The focus is on food supply security for the Austrian population. The related supply chains need special attention in order to proactively respond to events that could affect the security of supply.
The Erasmus+ project ANGIE aims to establish an academic network to raise awareness about climate change, shift perspectives, and provide solutions for the transition to environmentally friendly processes with a low carbon footprint.
1S4IWT – 1 System 4 IWT Learning: Upskilling Pathways
Currently, there is no formal structure and or culture in the inland waterway transport (IWT) sector for upskilling. 1System4IWT aims to build a learning system that will act as a solution for ensuring and enduring continuity of education & training for IWT students and workers and generate a „personalized learning experience”. The project will focus on developing commons resources, that meet the needs of nowadays trends and challenges for (incoming) staff (boatmen) in the IWT sector.
The project LOGMASTER aims to develop of a joint master programme study framework in Supply Chain Management and Logistics Level 7 to address the requirements in terms of competencies elaborated by European Logistics Association (ELA) in the European Logistics Association Qualification Standards (ELAQF). To learn more about the LOGMASTER project, its objectives, and progress, visit the official website: .
MultiRELOAD: Port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodal-ity
MultiRELOAD focusses on the specific role and challenges of inland ports & hubs as multimodal freight nodes in contributing to reaching Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of at least 55 % by 2030, thereby shifting a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road in the EU to inland waterways and to rail, and by increasing operational efficiency, safety and reliability of existing infrastructures (through digitalization) - thereby significantly reducing GHG emissions.
RETrans - Research and Education on Transport Logistics
RETrans (Research and Education on Transport Logistics) is a project sponsored by the bmvit (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) and the SCHIG (Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH) with the objective to create a competence center for traffic logistics in cooperation with stakeholders from economy, research and the public sector.
REWWay – Research and Education in Inland Waterway Logistics
REWWay is the result of a cooperation between Logistikum Steyr and viadonau (The company viadonau is responsible for the Austrian Part of the Danube). The aim of the project is to promote the topic of inland waterway logistics in national and international research and educational facilities. In fact, the focus is to train logisticians with knowledge on eco-friendly inland navigation and its connection to other modes of transport.
DANTE - Improving Administrative Procedures and Processes for Danube IWT
DANTE aims at identifying and eliminating the administrative barriers for inland waterway transport (IWT) on the Danube & its navigable tributaries as a joint initiative of the private sector and the national public authorities responsible for these barriers. The project partners will develop good practices and guidelines for effective administration of IWT activities in relation to the identified barriers.
Danube SKILLS - Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint trans-national competences and skills in education and public development services
Today there is still a lack of transparency and knowledge on how to integrate green Danube Navigation into sustainable transport solutions. Increased institutional and organisational capacity will help equip public service providers with a critical mass of information and support to understand (=mind shift) and use (=modal shift) Danube transport. Besides, there is a shortage of qualified personnel on-board inland vessels and fragmented legal framework governing skills and qualifications in the Danube inland transport sector and hindering recognition of qualifications and mobility of work force.
Besides, there is a shortage of qualified personnel on-board inland vessels and fragmented legal framework governing skills and qualifications in the Danube inland transport sector and hindering recognition of qualifications and mobility of work force.
DAPhNE – Danube Ports Network
DAPhNE aims to facilitate a balanced development of Danube Ports as eco-friendly, well accessible multimodal hubs for the transport system of the region and to turn Danube Ports into buzzing economic centres functioning as catalysts for economic growth and creation of high value jobs. The project will contribute to stepwise close the existing gaps between the 70 Danube ports located along the Danube River that deal with various challenges in the field of port administration and port development.
LNG Masterplan Rhine-Main-Danube
The project deals with the implementation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel and transport good for shipping and develops a
master plan for the necessary steps for its implementation. The project consists of a series of feasibility studies, technical concepts,
training courses and pilot applications for ships and terminal infrastructure. It is an international project involving 33 companies
and institutions from 12 EU Member States.
LOGIN – The project LOGIN aims to introduce new EQF 4 level qualification dedicated to the Operators who develop logistics related to manufacturing (Logistics Technologist - LOT) and the related
training and examination systems.
Sustainable Transport Systems
"Synchromodality" is a new transport concept that promotes the resource-saving and optimized use of all modes of transport. By an optimal use of the existing transport capacities, a modal shift towards sustainable modes of transport (rail, inland and waterway) can be achieved. Within the research area "Sustainable Transport Systems" the requirements for synchromodality in Austria will be analyzed.
PROMINENT - Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterway Transport Sector
PROMINENT effectively promotes innovation in IWT by further developing the most promising greening technologies and concepts towards standardization and modularization as well as developing measures to overcome barriers to innovation and greening in the inland navigation sector. The research results and findings will be translated into a roll-out plan, which paves the way for full-scale implementation until 2020.
Q4 - Quattromodal nodes: research and practice relevance for freight transport
The linking of four modes of transport (water, rail, road and air) to multimodal transport chains is cur-rently a largely unknown topic. However, the implementation of quattromodality in freight transport bears the potential of economical, environmental and social impacts due to enhanced transport options. Research- and practice-relevance of quattromodal nodes are analyzed in a probe.
SynChain – synchromodal transport chains
SynChain aimed at analyzing synchromodality in detail such that a profound understanding of the underlying key enablers can be gained. In addition, awareness training for stakeholders in the transport sector has been started. Based on the obtained insights technical, organisational and systemic basic conditions for a successful application of synchromodality will be defined, which shall be implemented in follow-up projects.
RESISTANT – more resilient military logistics on the basis of an end-to-end digitized, dislocated and autonomous supply chain
The aim of this project is to increase the resilience of the military supply chain by developing a novel, internationally compatible logistics concept in conjunction with innovative technologies.